Where you can get answers to questions that are asked... frequently. 🔎

Before you get started:

What is SquareOne?
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Does SquareOne cost anything?
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Why invest in a SquareOne family plan?
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Where does the SquareOne card work?
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Does the card work online?
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Does the card work overseas?
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Will the card work at ATMs?
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Is SquareOne safe?
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How do I sign up?
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What if I don't have a driver's license or passport?
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Where is the money held? 
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Getting the most out of SquareOne:

Why did my transactions decline? 
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When will my child(s) card arrive? 
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My child has misplaced their card, what do I do? 
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How do I set up jobs? 
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How do I set up pocket money? 
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Transactions errors at the gas station
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Multi-parent access
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Passcode vs PIN
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Setting up Apple Pay
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Setting up Google Pay
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Apple Pay FAQs
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How do my kids download SquareOne?
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I can't log in, how do I reset my passcode?
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I've forgotten the PIN code, what can I do?
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you’re looking for?